Got a question? We are here to answer. If you don’t see your question here, drop us a message via ask@accountantsmatchup.com and we aim to revert to you within 2 work days.
Q: Why should I join AccountantsMatchUp.com?
A: Unlike certain Job Boards/websites which fail to vet whether the hirers are legit prior to job posting, we take pride in ensuring that the jobs and company are legit. Our founder realized that such Job Boards are breeding grounds for scammers looking for money mules hence her motivation in ensuring that jobs on AccountantsMatchUp.com are 100% legit. Plus did we mention that it is FREE to join for all accountants?
Q: Is membership really free?
A: Yes, please indicate code JOIN3 at checkout to join for free. We will contact you via your email address (indicated at checkout) to verify your accounting experience.
Q: How do I log in as a member?
A: Click on the “Man” icon at the top right corner and log in using your email. Please click “Forget Password” at the member log-in page and a link to reset password will be emailed to you immediately. Once you log-in, you are able to access the “Members Only” page resources.
Q: I am a member but I forgot my password?
A: Please click “Forget Password” at the member log-in page and a link to reset password will be emailed to you immediately. If still you did not receive the reset password email, reach out to us at ask@accountantsmatchup.com and we would reset your password within 2 work days.
Q: Why am I asked to complete the accounting questionnaire?
A: This is to ensure the authenticity that members are all qualified Accountants. AccountantsMatchup.com is a social enterprise to facilitate Caregiver-Accountants easy access to flexi-time, flexi-place, part-time jobs for work-life balance hence we absorb all costs related to membership sign-up.
Q: I responded to the job postings but have no response to date?
A: Usually only shortlisted/ successful candidates are notified by the hiring firm. Please give the hiring firm some time to review the candidates. Increase your chances by getting pointers to enhance your CV and Cover letter from our experienced HR Manager (with more than 8 years of experience hiring talents and especially Accountants).
Q: I am working full-time but wish to explore flexi-work. Can I still sign up as a member?
A: Yes, of course. Our only requirement is that you are an accountant with at least 3 years of industry experience. We always believe in planning ahead as we strive to balance our life goals at different life stages.
Q: I am not a caregiver but wish to explore flexi-work, can I still sign up as a member?
A: Yes, of course. Our only requirement is that you are an accountant with at least 3 years of industry experience. We always believe in planning ahead as we strive to balance our life goals at different life stages.
Q: I have stopped work for 10 years, can I still sign up as a member?
A: Yes, of course. Our FlexiWorkz direct-hire scheme is available to give a boost to your self-confidence (if needed) for your first few jobs before you apply independently for jobs. Our mentors will be available to guide or review your work.
Q: Why should I pay to post my job advertisement on AccountantsMatchUp.com when other platforms are for free?
A: Unlike other generic job board platforms, AccountantsMatchUp.com filters the applicants even before they apply to your firm. Hence ensuring that only certified and experienced accountants are respondents. Your job post fee is inclusive of 1 FREE option to obtain the skill-set questionnaire for 1 of your shortlisted candidates.
Q: I would like to engage your firm for Accounting /Payroll/ Tax / Management reporting and advisory services but I don’t see a suitable package?
A: We would be happy to hop on a call with you, please contact us at 88845354 or email us at ask@accountantsmatchup.com .